New Resource Helps Physicians Prepare Before a Mental Health Crisis Arises
The Physicians Foundation today launched A Personal Crisis Management Plan to help physicians navigate their mental health needs. As part of the Foundation’s Vital Signs initiative, the plan was created to help physicians, their colleagues and their loved ones access and have available the coping strategies and resources needed when navigating a moment of crisis.
This resource was inspired by Angela Chen, MD, Loice Swisher, MD, FAAEM, and Mary Jane Brown, MD, who introduced a personal crisis management tool for residents, like safety plans used by psychiatrists in suicidal patients. They found nearly 60% of participating residents agreed that the tool would help them manage a crisis. Nearly a third of the participating residents (31.8%) indicated that they had used their personal plan within the first three months of their internship.
“Whether it’s stress, feelings of burnout or another challenge, physicians, just like anyone else, should feel comfortable seeking help,” said Gary Price, MD, president of The Physicians Foundation.
“Our own research found that 58% of physicians reported experiencing feelings of burnout during the pandemic; however, when asked about mental health support, only 13% of physicians reported seeking medical attention.”