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Prioritize YOUR well-being and stay passionate about your profession and purpose.
At OSMA, it is our goal to support physicians in a holistic way—professionally and personally. We know stress and burnout are serious issues facing the physician profession, and these concerns became even more prevalent amidst the COVID-19 climate.
Now more than ever, it is essential that you as physicians take care of yourselves so you can provide the best care for your patients.
We’re proud to provide our series of webinars on Physician Well-Being as free recorded sessions, featuring nationally-known speakers who presented information on timely topics. This content is available to all Ohio physicians thanks to a grant from The Physicians Foundation.
To learn more about the professional and personal benefits of OSMA membership, visit:
Topics Include:
Turning Toward Dissonance:
Being Present & Robust in Times of Fear
Ronald Epstein, MD, FAAHPM
Physician Mental Health:
Building Resilience & Preventing Suicide
Christine Moutier, MD
Medical Family Relationships
Keys for Coping in Unprecedented Times
Wayne M. Sotile, PhD
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